The technicians might not have timed their visit well, but on the other hand, a better moment was hardly imaginable. An internet application, assisted by high end digital infrastructure, that's what the visitors had come for. And the guys were quickly done. Hole in the wall, fiber ducts in place and back to business again.
The ADSL connection, used up till now, was hardly adequate for the skype based video communication. We expect the video quality to become much better now. At the same time, Kabel Noord will connect two elementary schools to glassfiber.
Vital Rural Area
The Byldskermloket is one of the Vital Rural Area pilot activities in Work Package 1, which is concerned with improvement of rural services. I have blogged about Vital Rural Area regularly.

"Look gentlemen, it's very simple...."

Pics © Kabel Noord, Gijs van Hesteren
This posting in Dutch
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